Electra Private Equity

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09/01/2012Annual Information Update - Electra Private Equity Investments PLC
22/12/2011Audited Results for the Year Ended 30 September 2011
06/12/2011Audited Resuts for the Year Ended 30 September 2011
30/09/2011Report & Accounts 2011
13/06/2011Half year report for the six months ended 31 March 2011
24/05/2011Announcement of Unaudited Results for Half Year ended 31 March 2011
31/03/2011Half Year Report 2011
31/03/2011Notification of Board changes and Directors� details
28/01/2011Annual Information Update - Electra Private Equity Investments PLC
23/12/2010Major Interest in Shares - Smith & Williamson Holdings Limited
30/11/2010Audited Results for the period ended 30 September 2010
30/09/2010Full Year Report & Accounts 2010
08/06/2010Half Year Report for the Period Ended 31 March 2010
04/06/2010Notification of Board changes and Directors� details
26/05/2010Notification of Board changes and Directors� details
25/05/2010Announcement of Unaudited Half Year Results for the period to 31 March 2010
21/01/2010Annual Information Update - Electra Private Equity Investments PLC
02/12/2009Issue of Zero Dividend Preference Shares
31/07/2009Issue of Zero Dividend Preference Shares: Result of Placing and Publication of Prospectus
22/07/2009Pathfinder Publication
20/07/2009Intention to raise up to �60 million by the issue of Zero Dividend Preference Shares


Notification of Board changes and Directors� details
26 May 2010

Announcement is made in respect of paragraph 9.6.13R of the Listing Rules on behalf of Colette Bowe.

The Company hereby announces that Colette Bowe, a non-executive Director of Electra Private Equity PLC, was appointed a Director of the Board of the Company with effect from 24 May 2010. Sir Brian Williamson has retired as a Director of the Company and Colette Bowe has been appointed Chairman.

No further information requires to be disclosed pursuant to paragraph 9.6.13 R of the Listing Rules.