Further to the announcement made by the Company on 22 July 2016, relating to the appointment of Gavin Manson as Chief Financial Officer of the Company, effective from 8 August 2016 and also to the passing of Resolutions 3 and 12 at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held today, the Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Gavin Manson to the board of Electra Private Equity PLC with immediate effect.
Mr Manson has not been a director of any publicly quoted companies during the previous five years. There is no other information concerning Mr Manson which is required to be disclosed pursuant to paragraph 9.6.13 R of the Listing Rules.
Eleanor Cranmer
Frostrow Capital LLP
Company Secretary to Electra Private Equity PLC
020 3008 4613
Brunswick Group LLP
16 Lincoln's Inn Fields
London, WC2A 3ED