Electra Private Equity


What is Electra�s view of 2010?
Where will Electra be investing in 2010?
Electra�s share price has been volatile over the year to 30 September 2009. Why did this happen?
How will shareholder value be generated?
Does the Board of Electra still operate a share buyback policy?
Do you expect to see a further fall in NAV over the coming months?
What is the underlying gearing within the portfolio?
What is the underlying gearing within Electra?
Does Electra have sufficient liquidity to meet its commitments to funds?
What credit facilities does Electra have?
What is a Zero Dividend Preference Share (�ZDP�) and how does it compare with an Ordinary Share?
Why did you issue ZDPs?
How have currency movements affected you?
Electra has not paid a dividend since March 2008. Will Electra pay dividends in the future?
What is your opinion of the new EU Directive and how will it affect Electra?
How does Electra consider Social, Community, Employee and Environmental Issues?
What is Electra�s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy?
How can I buy/sell my shares in Electra?
I am a current/potential investor resident in either the United States, Australia, Canada or Japan � can you send me information or documentation regarding Electra?
Can Electra�s shares be put into an ISA?
I have changed my address � how do I notify the Registrar?


Where will Electra be investing in 2010?

Electra will continue to target private equity opportunities (including direct investment, fund investment and secondary buyouts of portfolios and funds) so that the risks associated with such investments are justified by expected returns. Concentrating principally in Western Europe, and with the majority of investments expected to be made in the United Kingdom, investments will be made across a broad range of sectors and financial instruments such as equity, senior equity, convertibles and mezzanine debt.

We believe that the flexibility of our investment strategy means that we are uniquely positioned to consider all types of investment opportunities.